Dates are approximate
3000 BC
- Egyptian songs written that were the source of many of the Psalms
2000 BC
- Eclessiastes written
1900 BC
- Abraham comes to Palestine- Beginning of oral tradition later recorded in the bible
1375 - 1358 BC
- Reign of Egyptian Pharoah Amenhotep IV ( later called Ikhnaton)inspiration of much of Moses' writing.
1250 BC
- Moses leads Isrealites out of Egypt
1030 - 1010 BC
- Reign of Saul
1010 - 970 BC
- Reign of David
1000 BC
- Bible begins to be written with Job (fiction)
970 - 931 BC
- Reign of Solomon
960 BC
- The YAHWIST editor began in Jerusalem. He calls God YHWH and describes God in humanlike terms. The Yahwist editor wrote Genesis 2 ( Genesis 1 had notyer been written.). Bible heroes are not whitewashed - Abraham is called aliar (Gen 20), Noah's drunken state is described (Gen 9) and Lot's incest istold (Gen 19). The monarchy and priesthood in Jeruslem are important. This editor wrote the first version of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 34 which contains no reference to resting on the Sabbath.
850 BC
- The ELOHIST editor began in Samaria. He calls God Elohim. The Elohist editor has a democratic value system and so asserts that no priest, leader or king can claim permanent status over God's people. There is no dynasty established. He starts his story with Abraham and wrote about Isaac and Jacob. He places importance on the Northern kingdoms power and shrines. He uses dreams, miracle and magic as a way to demonstrate God's power. He asserts that God raises up prophets when required.
621 BC
- The DEUTERONOMIST editor began in 621 BCE in the reign of King Josiah in Jerusalem. The "discovered" book was called the second (deuters) giving ofthe Law (nomas) and became known as Deuteronomy. It was responsive to theprophetic tradition of Hosea, Amos, Isaiah, Micah and Jeremiah (who was alive at the time of writing). The deuteronomist editor centralised worship under the supervision of the Jerusalem priesthood. Its interests were in a high spiritual monotheism and therefore wrote than no image could be made of God.
596 BC
- The PRIESTLY editors began after the city of Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. Many of the Psalms were written in this time (including Psalm 137). The priests edited and rewrote massive parts of the sacred story. They emphasised circumcision, dietary laws and Sabbath day observance and were responsible for writing Genesis 1 to provide a reason for observing the Sabbath and it was one of the last parts of the Old Testament to be written. At the same time synagogues werebuilt to indoctrinate the people. As a result the details of worship, the rules of worship, the observance of worship became important and resulted in much of Exodus, almost all of Leviticus and major portions of Numbers. All the chronologies were written by the priestly editors. The incompleted harmonisation of the Yahwist and Elohist editors produce most of the contradictions in the Old Testament.
400 BC
- Emphasis on individualism and life after death
200 BC
- Daniel written (fiction)
- Jesus birth
27 - 34 CE
- Jesus' death
50 - 60 CE
- 1 Thessalonians (Paul)
- Philippians (Paul)
- Galatians (Paul)
- 1 Corinthians (Paul)
- 2 Corinthians (Paul)
- Romans (Paul)
- Philemon (Paul)
50 - 80 CE
- Colossians (May not be Paul)
50 - 95 CE- Hebrews (Not Paul)
65 - 80 CE
- Mark's gospel
- Source may be Peter
- Messianic secret
- Based on Deuteronomy / liturgy
- All actions could be done in one week
70 - 100 CE
- James
80 -100 CE
- 2 Thessalonians (May not be Paul)
- Ephesians (May not be Paul)
- Matthew's gospel
- Addressed to Diaspora
- Written in Antioch
- Conservative
- 90% of the references to Hell
- Based on Moses' life / Exodus
- Portrays division between Jews and Christians
80 -110 CE
- 1 Peter
80 CE - 130 CE
- Luke's gospel, Acts (both written in Caesarea)
- Roman recognition sought
- Gentile interested in universalism
- Focuses on spirit
- Based on II Isaiah
- Jesus portrayed as greater than Elijah
90 - 95 CE
- Revelation of John (Not the apostle John)
- Apocalyptic genre
90 -120 CE
- I John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude
- John's Gospel
- Not the apostle
- Written in Ephesus
- Centred in Judea / Jerusalem not synoptic Gallilee
- Actions over 3-4 years instead of synoptics 1 year
- Symbolic narrative
- Focus on Wisdom and Word
- Focus on self rather than kingdom of God
- No Ascension or Pentecost
100 -150 CE
-1 Timothy (Not Paul)
- 2 Timothy (Not Paul)
- Titus (Not Paul)
100 -160 CE
- 2 Peter (Not Peter)
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