
The Fundamentalist Guardian Angel

Sorry ....

Pentecostal feels the Spirit!

Jesus wards off the secular humanists

Stopping A Fundamentalist From Hearing Truth

Fundamentalists This Way

Fundamentalist Used His Brain!

Holy Cow

Glad my name's not "Thou"

Kent Hovind's Patriot University

Fifty New Songs

A REAL tithe

Fundamentalist Geology

Next time I preach on tithing .....

Disco Jesus

Why There Are No Unicorns Today

What happened before the Fall

Creation "science"

Preaching Is An Act Of Violence

I touched God's anointed




Weird Christians I have met at ACC

Weird Christians I have met at ACC

Vera also known as

AND W Bully / Baba To**** / Baba Dada Ramdum



CERBERUS - rabid fundamentalist dog with the heads of Vera, W Bully / Baba To***** / Baba Dada Ramdum & Bob

My Forger

AND Führer Griz



AND Frank

Michael Christ




Typical Griz Cult thug


Griz Cult Supporters


Griz cult members have the following unfortunate features:

- a distrust and fear of freedom
- a belief in the importance of authority and in controlling what people believe
- a corre­sponding preference for obedience rather than love
- a desire to give people what they want rather than the truth
- a refusal to allow themselves to be in the least disconcerted when confronted with the true nature of their fundamentalist religion
- a readiness to persecute and exclude anyone who is of a different persuasion.

They prefer authority, obedience, and conformity over freedom, truth, and dissent.

Key Characteristics of the Griz cult are [adapted from Joanne Ruhland1995]:

- Content Which Is Authoritarian
- Indoctrinates / clones
- Unquestioning obedience / Leaders do not discuss questions
- Love and loyalty are the bottom line- Indoctrination /Leaders' conclusions must be accepted.
- Emphasis on uniformity
- Elitist / accepts SOME Christians
- Hidden agenda
- Manipulates
- Leaders "lord" it over the flock
- Results in conformity, rigidity
- Allows one avenue of service ... serving their group
- Individual is responsible to leaders
- Leaders tell individual what God's will is
- Analytical thinking hindered
- Simplistic approach to life
- Pick your own bible verse to lead you / Choices must conform to leaders'dictates, leaders' approval

They are rated:

As a result they have won the following awards: